Thursday, September 2, 2010

the best worst cell phone

The year that i have had my black berry smart phone I have been disappointed and amazed over and over.  As many blackberry users have noticed, the signal strength of the blackberry is right up there with the best.  I have visited friends houses that my old phone would find no signal at all, but with the black berry I am able to make calls with 3 and sometimes 4 bars!  Although i have great signal strength sometimes I just don't get the calls some people are trying to make to me.  Every once in a while I'll receive a random voice mail and when I go to check it, its from weeks ago!

Of the phones i have had though, the black berry has survived the longest. It has made it through many a drop in the shower, a few throws across rooms, and a night outside under a foot of snow.  I would have to say, pretty tough phone.

But, thats pretty much where the good ends.  The battery life is nothing to call home about(no pun intended), it likes to freeze up, its internet is pretty slow, and the speaker is going out.  I know your probably thinking this is from all the abuse.  Well let me tell you that these problems have been going on for much longer than the less then kind treatment of my phone.

My plan is to wait till my contract runs out and grab something thats not a blackberry, and I have no doubt that my phone will last until then.

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