Monday, September 20, 2010

The Current Education System

I think for the most part our education system does a pretty good job. I just don't like how a good amount of jobs require expensive schooling and then just end up giving you on the job training. It is like we are paying people so that we can get paid more than the next guy. It makes it very unfair for some. This being said, I am very thankful for the experience I've had with our education system.

I believe there could be a much better system for educating the people of the United States though. I would change would be the collage system. Collage would be optional like it is now, but it would not cost anything to go. It would just be more school after high school. It would more or less be the same, you would still apply and need to take the standardized test. If it were like this people could go right to the work force or keep going to school for a more specialized job. This way financial standings would not hinder anyone and everyone would be on a level playing field. It would be up to the individual and not that persons family to get them into school. Think about it, if you were smart enough to go to Harvard you could go there. A person wouldn't have to pay huge sums of money and spend the rest of their life paying it off. The privileged child would have no advantage, money wise, over an impoverished person.

It seems to me that training for a particular job would also streamline the process too. I can't recall ever talking to someone that loves all their classes. If someone loves to read and write stories why should they take math that they probably will never use? I understand that generals make people well rounded, but it's not necessary. Maybe generals should be optional. A math major wouldn't need to take a speech class, but maybe they want to become better public speakers, so they would take the class. Maybe a biology major wants to write properly, so they take some writing classes. Isn't it unfair to force people into a situation they fear more than anything? If classes were options, people who are deathly afraid of public speaking would not need to make speeches in front of their pears, or people with horrible test anxiety wouldn't have to suffer though math tests they dread.

I don't see profitable establishments such as collages changing. There is no reason for them to at this point. They can keep making money so why stop? It makes sense when you think about it. I know I wouldn't stop making money if the choice was presented to me and I'm sure that's the same for most of us. Eventually though, we will need to start looking out for each other more, especially with the world going in the direction it is.

Monday, September 13, 2010


My name is Cole, like the westernt outlaw. I have lived in the La Crosse area my whole life and I wouldn't have rather lived anywhere else. I just turned 20 this Augest and sadly I still live at home. Hopfully for only another year. Right now im in the lab tech. program but I don't realy know what I want to do with my life yet. I should probobly figured out sooner or later. I have a cat that I love (and am also very alergic to), two pugs that sit around all day, and used to have chickens and various lizards. In my spare time I like to paintball, ski, and have an alaround good time!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend is always great. You go to school for a week and then get a three day weekend to spend with friends or family. That’s exactly what I did with my weekend. Some friends came back from school to see their families. They were back for the weekend so of course we had to do something. It was nice that our labor day weekend wasn't so hot and humid. After a summer of sweating it was nice to have some cooler weather, and the cooler weather got rid of a lot of the bugs. With any luck the bugs won't come back till next year.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

the best worst cell phone

The year that i have had my black berry smart phone I have been disappointed and amazed over and over.  As many blackberry users have noticed, the signal strength of the blackberry is right up there with the best.  I have visited friends houses that my old phone would find no signal at all, but with the black berry I am able to make calls with 3 and sometimes 4 bars!  Although i have great signal strength sometimes I just don't get the calls some people are trying to make to me.  Every once in a while I'll receive a random voice mail and when I go to check it, its from weeks ago!

Of the phones i have had though, the black berry has survived the longest. It has made it through many a drop in the shower, a few throws across rooms, and a night outside under a foot of snow.  I would have to say, pretty tough phone.

But, thats pretty much where the good ends.  The battery life is nothing to call home about(no pun intended), it likes to freeze up, its internet is pretty slow, and the speaker is going out.  I know your probably thinking this is from all the abuse.  Well let me tell you that these problems have been going on for much longer than the less then kind treatment of my phone.

My plan is to wait till my contract runs out and grab something thats not a blackberry, and I have no doubt that my phone will last until then.